Sunday, January 30, 2011

Creative enviroment

One of the cool things about working in publishing is that you are surrounded by creative types. Writers, photographers, graphic artists are around every corner of my workplace. So many of us are in the practice of sharing our creativity, sometimes even outside of work. Recently, I had the pleasure of going to Oskar Blues in Longmont and watching a show by the Quentin Young Band. During the show, two of my co-workers, Quentin Young and Kimberli Turner performed a duet, check it out.

On my way to work...

On my way to work may end up being the title to a number of my blog post. I acquired a pocket camera to aid in my daily quest to capture small (and sometimes big) moments that would otherwise be left to words or fleeting descriptions, of a perspective in Boulder County, along the Front Range in Colorado.
Colorado, in a word, is picturesque. Having a camera at all times is a mandate.
So, on my way to work, I came across this image of a hot air balloon, flying on a very cold day, along the Front Range. Came across, really means saw the balloon while driving down 95th street and racing to a place to try to capture an image before the balloon landed. I was pleased with the results and the newspaper actually published it on A1. Since I don't normally shoot for a daily newspaper, I was please that it was so well received.

Back in the saddle again

Inspired by a couple of friends that started up blogs and wanting a more public place to share my thoughts and images that other social networking sights I am back at it here on blogger. Look for rants, raves and favs in the form of words and images. If you have a thought chime in, if not thanks for looking.